Vishkapatnam, India
25 - 27 Aug 2006

300 Pastors

We held two evening outreach crusade meetings at Anakapalli, where lives were saved, healed and delivered. We also visited local Village Churches and a House Church. We also held a Pastors Conference for about 300 Pastors in Visakhapatnam.

The testimony from Victoria Sekhar was that 18 months ago the Lord had given her a picture of a man's face during her time of prayer. Then six months ago, the Lord told her about a man of "Melbourne". She asked her husband "What is Melbourne?" Chandra replied that the only Melbourne he knew of was went watching the cricket of India vs Australia, it was held at a place called Melbourne. They looked up the internet and found our website and Victoria was amazed because Jim's picture on the website was the same at the man's face that she had seen in her prayer time. They then contacted us early in 2006 to request we visit India. This is a connection orchestrated by the Lord.

It was in this Church that we found the man Mannesseh who was the Pastor who had been diligently searching the scriptures and crying out to God, for His truth. The Lord answers prayers. Amen.

All these Pastors are faithfully working in the Lord's field, and the Lord sees everything done in His name. There are some amazing things being achieved by them and the Lord sees everything! Amen.

At the Pastors Conference, many seeds and teachings of the Word came out during the various sessions. Some of the topics were:

Attributes of God
Passover - Easter - What day Jesus went to the cross
Daniel 70 Weeks Prophecy
The Two Witnesses & Two Olive Trees
The Tabernacle Furniture & Ministries
Phophetic Time as Revealed in the Scriptures
Former & Latter Rain
In the Image of God
Having a Vision
Sons of God
Tithes & Offerings & Communion
Abrahamic Covenant
Melchisedec Priesthood
The Name of God




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Revival From Down Under Inc. Knox
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