Busega, Uganda
19 - 25 Mar 2007

Pastors & Leaders Conference

The Ugandan people are very warm and loving, and very 'hungry and thirsty' for the things of the Lord. This was our third to this city. The Pastors and people received us very well. We held a 5 day Pastors/Leaders Conference and also spoke at the service on the following Sunday. The other wonderful things was that a number of Pastors from Kenya attended.

Many seeds and teachings of the Word came out. Some of the meatier topics were:

Tithes and Offerings
The Structure & Foundation of the Church
The Twelves & Twenty-Fours
The Resurrections
The Four Beasts
The Bride of the Lord Jesus Christ
The Seven Heads
In the Image of God
Daniel's 70 Weeks Prophecy
The Two Witnesses

Overall the Pastors were so encouraged and refreshed by the Word and by the Spirit. After a couple of days we gave opportunity to move in 'The River', where the Lord moved mightily and lives were healed and changed. Clearly many of the Pastors had never seen or experienced such an Anointing of the Holy Spirit. Many were weeping, others were laughing, others were shaking, while others were stuck to the floor for nearly an hour unable to move from under the power of the Holy Spirit as He ministered to their hearts. They will never be the same again!

There was such a demonstration of the Spirit, that at each meeting, other people who came along asked to get saved! We had not even extended a salvation call. They saw the demonstration of the Lord and He was bringing conviction of sin to their hearts. People came forward and we had the privilege of leading them in a prayer of salvation.

One session was given to healing and many people were healed of all manner of sicknesses. For some it was healing of back, shoulder and body pains, severe headaches, knee problems, stomach pains, cysts, neck and ear problems, for others, different diseases. Some spirits were cast out and people were set free.

In Summary
This conference was fantastic and the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the river was huge. The Pastors from Kenya were so grateful to be invited. One Pastor from the Bible Society could not believe that we would speak with so few, (you know our heart, it is not about numbers but hearts) and said we should be speaking with many more Pastors in Uganda, and that he would liaise with our host Pastor and arrange something much bigger for next time. The Lord knows and He is the one Who opens the doors, our part is to go where He leads. Amen.




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Revival From Down Under Inc. Knox
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