Busega, Uganda
08 - 10 Aug 2007

Regional Conference - Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda.

This was a tremendous conference. In fact is was called a Regional conference, because Pastors came together from Tanzania, Kenya and also outlining areas of Uganda. The unity demonstrated in this conference was fantastic, and only the Lord could achieve this with so many different people coming together with one heart, to have an encounter with the Lord.

Approximately 400 attended the conference. The Pastors who travelled from Tanzania came approximately over 1,000 kilometres and the Pastors from Kenya travelled anywhere up to approximately 300 kilometres. The delegation from Tanzania had not heard us speak before, and yet were prepared to travel such a great distance and stay over for 3 nights. What an amazing effort.

Each day, two meetings of 3-4 hours each were held. There was such an unprecedent unity - truly a work by the Lord, and not of man! Many testified they had never heard such Truth before, but embraced it as the Truth of God's Word. One Pastors later testified that he was personally amazed with what the Lord did. The Pastors from Kenya, were also from various Churches. All the Pastors and Leaders and even other Church people came so very "hungry and thirsty" for the things of the Lord.

Many seeds and teachings of the Word came out. Some of the 'meatier' topics were:

History of the Church
Tithes & Offerings
First the Natural
Then the Spiritual
The Tabernacle of Moses
The Structure of the Church
The Two Witnesses
The River of God and The Trumpet of God

There was also opportunity to move in "The River" where the Lord moved mightily and lives were healed and changed. Clearly many of the Pastors had never seen or experienced such an Anointing of the Holy Spirit. Some Pastors were visibly shaken, while others were touched or "stuck" to the floor for 1-2 hours while the Holy Spirit ministered to their hearts. They will never be the same again! It was so very powerful!

In summary this conference was fantastic, praise the Lord. The ministry of the Holy Spirit in the river was huge, and all the Pastors were so very grateful to be invited.




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Revival From Down Under Inc. Knox
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