Dipolog City, Philippines
26 - 30 Oct 2014

Revival in the Philippines - Pastors Conference

In October 2014 we held a Pastors and Leaders' conference in the Philippines. Pastor Joshua advised that the Pastors were very hungry to understand the Word of God concerning the End-Times. A 4 day conference was arranged, with 3 meetings held each day.

The Pastors and Leaders, (as well as Bible Students), came hungry and thirsty for more of God. The Lord did not disappoint them, and Jim was able to open the scriptures on the following topics, emphasizing that these events must take place, before Jesus Christ can return.

Of the 300 people attending, 150 were Pastors and Leaders who had travelled great distances. The others who attended came from the local Church. The hunger for the Word of the Lord was very great and the Lord did not disappoint the listeners. Jim opened the scriptures and the topics were:

The Two Beasts of Revelation Chapter 13
The Traditions of Men
The River
The False Church
Revelation Chapter 12
The Sons Of God
Tithes And Offerings
Washing By The Word
Christ Our Passover
The Five Fold Ministry
The Tabernacle of Moses
Daniel's 70 Weeks Prophecy
The Two Witnesses

There were also opportunities for ministry where the river of God flowed and people were invited to come to the front for prayer and receive refreshing and healing from the Lord.

The Holy Spirit knows how best to minister to each person. Many were healed, many were weeping, some were stuck to the floor, some were feeling electricity going through their bodies, some were set free, while with others, there were physical demonstrations of the power of the Holy Spirit as a sign and a wonder to all. As the people opened their hearts, the 'River' of the Holy Spirit flowed and yokes were destroyed because of the anointing. The people said they were so encouraged, blessed and challenged by the Word and they were refreshed by the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Lives will never be the same. Praise the Lord.

All glory to God for the lives He touched, healed, encouraged and strengthened. Amen.




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Revival From Down Under Inc. Knox
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