
Jesus said:

Mark 16:15
Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
And He said to them, Go into all the world and PREACH and PUBLISH openly the good news (the Gospel) to every creature [of the whole human race]

This is the heart of the Father, Who loves His children, and is not willing that any should perish but rather desires them to have an abundant life which is only found through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. But how will they ever know this, unless we go to where the lonely, hurting, sick, starving and those without hope are.

God desires everyone to know Him and the Truth. To know His love. To know His great sacrifice of His only Son, so that many people can come into a loving relationship with their Heavenly Father.

Is that your desire, to reach out to others? To see people saved, healed, delivered and established in God. We are only touching the surface of this great Commission which the Lord has given to every believer. We are not building our kingdom or our ministry. We are faithfully building His kingdom; to love and strengthen His people and to reach and support the lost.

We have already seen thousands and thousands saved and healed through the Salvation, Miracle and Healing Crusades which we have held in various nations and Prisons. We also hold Pastors and Leaders Conferences to encourage and strengthen the Pastors for the work at hand. Also we produce a free monthly Magazine, whereby people are being saved, healed and greatly encouraged by reading the Word of Truth through this Magazine. But we desire to do much much more ........ to go further, to reach more.......

This Ministry also provides food and shelter for homeless orphans and young people and also finances Church Plantings when we hold crusades, so the new believers are immediately placed in a local Church, loved, strengthened and encouraged in the ways of God. Amen.

Right now, there is a tremendous opportunity to reach the lost and see the sick healed and set free. To lead people to the Lord so they receive the gift of eternal life, is such a privilege. To pray for someone who is blind and then hear them testify that the Lord has healed them and that they can now see, is simply amazing! Could you imagine yourself, not being able to see? What would your world be like? But by us going and praying, the Lord is changing lives! The Lord is healing the blind; the deaf are receiving their hearing; paralysed people can now walk and so on.

YOU can be part of this, and even if you are not in a position at this time to actually go to another nation, we are available to go. So if you would like to join hands with this faithful Ministry to reach the lost, then we invite you to support the Gospel and on your behalf, GO into all the world. Then according to God's Word, you will receive the same reward as us, because you supported the Gospel. Amen.

We are believing the Lord is connecting us to people with the same heart as His. Jesus came to save and to seek those who are lost! We need to reach the lost, no matter the cost. We all have an opportunity to give something of ourselves into the kingdom work of the Lord. We must work while it is day, for the night is coming very soon! There is no price too high for even one soul saved. Amen.

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God bless you!


Copyright © 2002-2025
Revival From Down Under Inc. Knox
No part of the text, photographs, diagrams, studies, magazines, audio or video preaching are to be copied or reproduced for commercial purposes.